Oceano (MV)
Dam: Obsessão do Top is
daughter of Afiançado de Flandes (CQF) by Ufano II (MV) with Pistola (SQC)
by Favonio (MV).
Bisbilhoteira Dam’s
Ultrajante do Top, by Ofídio do Top , 22/Dec/2000
Vendaval do Top, by Naperon do Top, 22/Nov/2001
Xerife do Top, by Navarro (AJR), 05/Dec/2002
Artilheiro do Vouga, by Quitar do Top, 15/Dec/2004
Cachaça do Vouga, by
Oceano (MV), 04/Dec/2006
Dear do Vouga, by
Oceano (MV), 24/Nov/2007
About Bisbilhoteira:
Bisbilhoteira do Vouga is a beautiful, athletic mare that
will be valuable as a sport horse or for breeding. She is one of the
youngest horses of this Collection. A sensitive horse, she has a kind
temperament. She exhibits three correct gaits with big movements and
synchronicity of rhythm. Bisbilhoteira has a free, natural walk and a trot
that shows freedom of movement; her strong hindquarters are engaged and
swing with regularity. She has accomplished the basic movements in
dressage through her training. Bisbilhoteira do Vouga demonstrates big
talent as a sport horse.

Photo: Tupa
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