exceptional young horse sired by Ofensor (MV).A very interesting
individual with plenty of quality either for stud activities of for the
equestrian disciplines.
Approved as a Stallion by The ABPSL – Associação Brasileira do Puro Sangue
Morgada (MAC) from the Coimbra (MAC) stud is one of the best daughters of
Distinto (MAC), Grand Champion ,Gold Medal in Portugal and Brazil. Morgada
is one of the top mares in the IBM.
Dam’s Interagro
Progeny: Quiromante [Danúbio (MV), 11/19/96]; Rana [Dardo II
(MV),10/28/97]; Temido (Legendário do Mirante, 08/04/99), Ufano (07/16/00)
and Vedete (11/21/01) by Visqueiro (CI); Cabrocha (Quixote Interagro,
08/21/06); Xica (10/29/02) and Zodíaco by Ofensor (MV).
Trainer's Opinion:
Beautiful, athletic,
willing supple and ‘cat like’ baby are words that quickly come to mind
when we are asked to describe Zodíaco Interagro. This is a horse that in
one more year will knock your socks off! When you ride Zodíaco you can
really feel what this horse will become. Not only does he have amazing
quiet focus and concentration he is a complete joy to ride. He is at this
moment still in a big growing phase and is a big baby with amazing
balance, grace, and a super attitude! He will go on a curved line and go
from giving you a feeling of a ground bound young horse then in a moment
of transformation and balance, Zodíaco feels as if he is floating 3 feet
off the ground, then he lands and tries to lift again. It is an awesome
feeling and a glimpse into his future! We believe this horse is a future

Photo: Tupa |