only exceptionally sells
brood-mares. Varanja was included in the 2006 Collection
with the sole purpose of giving foreign breeders an
opportunity to acquire a rare, superior genetic improver
for their breeding programs and, therefore, an exceptional
mare had to be chosen. Varanja Interagro brings the
exceptional, highly demanded blood of some of the most
successful mares and stallions of the Lusitano breed, such
as – coming from the top down of her pedigree – the Quina
(CI) lineage introduced by her paternal grand-father
Visqueiro (CI) – see Strallion Gallery; the traditional
and respected bullfighting strain selected by the Palha
and Telles Ribeiro Studs, present in her paternal
grand-mother Torrinha (APP); and the Firme (SA) legacy –
see the Stallion Gallery - implanted by her mother,
Naranja Interagro, whose father and grand-father, Zico (MMV),
is two times over his grand-son, thus making Firme (SA)’s
name appear for three times on Varanja’s exceptional
pedigree. More genetic power is very difficult if not
impossible to find. Varanja’s mother, Naranja Interagro is
a top-producer brood mare, one of the best females in the
Interagro Selected Brood-Mare Group. Naranja has, so far,
an offspring of nine, five males: Ramadan Interagro [with
Emir II (MV)]; Santeiro [Farao (JHC)]; Urupe [Grofle (APP)];
Zampano [Nicola (MAC)], Apache [Nordeste (SS)] and, four
females: Talita Interagro [with Emir II (MV)]; Xistosa [Girofle
(APP)]; Black Widow (Trinco Interagro) and Varanja herself.
Varanja Interagro had her first offspring last year: Black
Power Interagro [ a filly with Nordeste (SS)].
She is
pregnant by
Nordeste (SS) – a grand-son of Firme (SA) thus
increasing the consanguinity on this fabulous stallion –
due give birth on middle October, 2006.

Photo by Johnny |