Perdigueiro (MAC)
Dam: Indiana (JNU)
is a young brood mare from the Núncio (JN) brand. Coudelaria Núncio was
created by the most famous Portuguese bullfighter João Núncio – the Caliph
of Alcácer. Interagro is the only breeder who can offer this rare
Interagro Dam’s progeny
Xibalo Interagro by Perdigueiro (MAC) on 30-set-2002
Zethos Interagro by Quixote Interagro on 06-oct-2003
Boliche Interagro by Perdigueiro (MAC) on 30-set-2005
Déspota Interagro by Richebourg Interagro on 08-jan-2008
About Alcácer:
Alcácer Interagro has an amazing good
nature, a happy-go-lucky attitude and demonstrates great affection for his
rider. He has a great sense of tempo and balance and stays nicely
organized which makes him a pleasure to ride. It is easy to move his
compact muscular frame forward and keep him “on the bit.” Uncomplicated,
easy to train, quite willing and very brave, Alcácer is a quiet stallion
that can go on a hack alone or with a group. He is another example of a
Perdigueriro son’s kind temperament, super athletic ability and ride
ability. Alcácer Interagro is sure to steal the heart of the rider who
wants a loveable companion, a talented dressage horse or a trustworthy
trail horse. He is a very special horse that deserves and will truly
appreciate a great home!
Results P.I.A. – Dressage Test at Interagro
Date: November 1st, 2008 - Place: Interagro Dressage Open Arena
Judge: Mrs. Maria Elisa Simões de Moraes
Training Level Test 1 – 1st. Place ridden by Miss Annsofi Matsson (70,43%)

Photo: Tupa
Click on the tumbnails to
enlarge the pictures

Approved as Stallion by the ABPSL |