Rocinante Interagro
Dam: Tafetá
Interagro [Visqueiro (CI) x Escolhida (RC)] is a Young mare having already
an offspring of five excellent individuals. Her dam a Escolhida (RC),
imported from Coudelaria Raposo Cordeiro is also the dam of Quantum
Interagro [Danúbio (MV)].
Interagro Dam’s progeny
Zagreu Interagro by Perdigueiro (MAC) on 04-set-2003
Black Magic Interagro by Perdigueiro (MAC) on 23-aug-2005
Creusa Interagro by Quixote Interagro on 08-sep-2006
Descarada Interagro by Perdigueiro (MAC) on11-aug-2007
Embusteiro Interagro by Perdigueiro (MAC) on 13-jul-2008
About Alfinete:
Alfinete Interagro is a stunning and
proud black stallion with a beautiful expression. He has a naturally
balanced canter with a great clear rhythm. An experienced rider will enjoy
achieving flying changes in his canter. His natural suspension is superb,
which adds an extraordinary quality to Alfinete’s trot and canter. An
extremely graceful and elastic horse to ride, he is a very comfortable
mount. Although it is fairly easy to keep him focused on his work in the
ring, he may need a more experienced rider when ridden out on the hack.
Alfinete Interagro has the gaits and presence to be a winner in the show
ring. His deep black color, full mane and tail, friendly character and
bounding gaits are sure to steal someone’s heart!

Photo: Tupa
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Approved as Stallion by the ABPSL |