Quixote Interagro
Dam: Ustica Interagro is a
daughter of Queen Interagro, one of the best brood mares at Interagro. Her
first offspring is Appiano Interagro [Quixote Interagro], a 3 times Gold
Medal winner.
Interagro Dam’s progeny
Celbidas Interagro by Tufão Interagro on 15-sep-2006
About Appiano:
Appiano Interagro has the classic
features of the Lusitano horse, but moves through his gaits like a modern
competitive sport horse Lusitano. Appiano, with his noble head, big bones
and ground-covering stride, is the horse for the serious FEI competitor.
He appears larger than he measures because of his enormous stride and
athletic build. Ridden in the right balance, Appiano becomes elastic and
uses his active hind legs to really step under his body. He has a lovely
canter and easily performs flying changes even though it is not officially
part of his training. This intelligent, proud and willing stallion shows a
pleasing arrogance that can add to his appeal; however, if his rider is
timid, he will try to run the show! Appiano Interagro was shown in
conformation classes in the prestigious 2006 and 2007 International
Lusitano Show in Sāo Paulo, Brazil. Out of approximately 40 horses in his
classes, Appiano won a special award for “Best Head” and achieved scores
high enough to earn him a Gold Medal in the one-year-old class, which
qualified him to compete in the “Young Male Grand Champion” where he
received the Reserve Championship overall. In the 2007 International
Lusitano competition, Appiano won his two-year-old conformation class with
scores high enough to earn the Gold Medal, where he was awarded the “Young
Male Grand Champion” of the show. Appiano Interagro has a classic Lusitano
look, has excellent dressage potential and is a super stallion for a
breeding program.
2nd Class – 2 year old PSL Colts – Conformation Class – 1st Place with
Gold Medal and Young Grand Champion at the XXVI International Lusitano
Show (May, 2007) São Paulo, Brazil
1st Class – 1 year old PSL Colts - Conformation Class –
3rd Place with Gold Medal at the XXV International Lusitano Show (May,
2006) São Paulo, Brazil and Best Head (special prize for the most typical
head among all horses)

Photo: Tupa

XXVI International Lusitano Show (May, 2007) São Paulo, Brazil
Photo: Ney Messi (ABPSL)
Click on the tumbnails to
enlarge the pictures

Approved as Stallion by the ABPSL |