January 9th, 2009 -
Lusitano Collection DVD Has Been Sent!

Dear 2009 Lusitano Collection Guest:
Excitement is building with the advent of the
2009 Lusitano Collection. The 2009 Collection DVD have been
mailed to all pre-registered guests and we expect you to receive
your copy within several days of receipt of this email. Should
you not receive the DVD by January 28th, 2009, please contact
us via email at
interagro@interagro.com.br .
The DVD is divided into several segments. You
will be able to review footage of all the horses in the 2009
Lusitano Collection as well as learn more about the event itself.
The Menu tabs are divided into sections and should be easy to
To get the full Lusitano Collection experience
please select the 'Full Video' option on the DVD menu. But if
for some reason you are not able to watch the DVD in its
entirety, please be sure not to miss additional event
information that concludes the presentation of the horses in the
Collection and can be found by clicking on the Robinson
Lusitano's link in the Main Menu. This additional event footage
follows on from the presentation of this pair of driving horses.
In the meantime, we ask that you please visit
our website at
www.lusitanocollection.com for newly updated information
concerning horse tryouts, horse transportation, the vet check
and important documentation concerning the auction, the
processes of obtaining a biding paddle and payment forms accepted.
Please click on the link below to go directly to these updated
areas of the site.
Ticket sales are now available to
pre-registered guests only and may be purchased by contacting
the ticket sales office at (866) 540-8809. We encourage you to
purchase your tickets as soon as possible as capacity is limited
and space is filling up very quickly! Tickets are US$150.00 per
person and allow access to all event activities.
We are here to make the experience as enjoyable
as possible and ask that you please contact us should you have
any questions or concerns. We look forward to welcoming you at
The 2009 Lusitano Collection!
Kind regards,
The Lusitano Collection Team
For more information please
visit our website:
Auctioneer: Paul Z. Martin, Jr., Florida License # AU588 |