Beautiful and functional buckskin young horse with excellent pedigree.
Both parents, Nicola (MAC) and Naranja Interagro have an excellent record
as sire and dam of a superior functional offspring. As can be seen in
Nicola’s text he has sired two important Official Interagro Stallions:
Tufão Interagro and Zurbaran Interagro among many other distinguished
horses and mares. His dam, Naranja Interagro also had a very important
Interagro offspring, all of them black, buckskin or bay: Ramadan and
Talita Interagro, both with Emir II (MV); Xistosa, Urupê, and Varanja
Interagro with Girofle (APP), the last one a beautiful black mare exported
to the U.S.; Santeiro Interagro, with Faraó (JHC); Apache and Curupira
Interagro, both with Nordeste (SS); Black Widow, with Trinco Interagro,
and Zampano Interagro. Naranja Interagro´s dam was sired by the famous Nilo
(MV), one of the founding fathers of the Firme(SA)/Nilo(MV)/Novilheiro(MV)
Heritage, famous for the athletic horses it produces.
Approved as a Stallion by
the ABPSL – Associação Brasileira do Puro Sangue Lusitano.
Nicola (MAC)
is an inbred mare on the famous Nilo (MV), one of the founders of the
modern Firme (SA)/Nilo(MV)/Novilheiro(MV) Lineage, which is at the basis
of the Raposo Cordeiro (RC) and Interagro Lineages. Naranja ‘s dam,
Espanhola (BF) is her half sister, both being daughters of Zico (MMV), a
son of Nilo (MV). Naranja Interagro has, so far, a fantastic Interagro
Offspring of ten outstanding athletic individuals; one of her daughters,
Varanja Interagro, was sold in the 2006 Collection and exported to the
Dam's Interagro Progeny:
Ramadan and Talita Interagro [both by Emir II (MV)]; Santeiro Interagro
[by Faraó (JHC)]; Urupê , Varanja and Xistosa Interagro [all three by
Girofle ( APP)] Black Widow [by Trinco Interagro]; Apache and Curupira
Interagro [both by Nordeste (SS)] and ZAMPANO by Nicola (MAC).
Trainer's Opinion: Zampano is another beautiful buckskin in the
collection. He has a leggy appearance with a very athletic body type.
Being the younger of the two Interagro buckskins boys, he is the younger
lankier teenager next to his older ½ brother, Xazan Interagro. Zampano
has two matching hind socks that show off his active hind legs. His trot
will impress you with its expression reach and suppleness. His body type
will really appeal to the rider that appreciates a light elastic moving
horse. Zampano gives his rider a lovely feeling. He truly has 3 good
gaits and will develop even more with good training. Zampano possesses a
natural balance and is already developing a nice contact. He is a brave,
regal horse. He has a very lovely walk that can suffer if he becomes
tense. At this time because of his young hormones and lack of experience,
he can become distracted by mares causing him to lose his concentration
and quality of gaits. Knowing his family lines and having a lot of
experience with his brothers and father, his hormones will settle as he
gets older. Zampano is an excellent choice for the serious competitive

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