Oceano (MV)
Dam: Aveiro’s dam Estrela III (JHC) is
daughter of Íbis (JM) by Delfim (MV) with Vistosa (JHC) by Firme (SA). She
had produced many sport horses, some of them are part of Rocas do Vouga’s
Dressage Team and also some of her daughters that are on Rocas do Vouga
Aveiro do Mito
Dam’s Progeny
Laranja, by Ícaro (SA), 23/Feb/1992
Mirandela do Retiro, by Invulgar (MV), 05/Mar/1993
Nero do Retiro, by Dardo II-IV (MV), 02/Jul/1994
Pluto do Retiro, by
Afiançado de Flandes
Que-astro do Retiro, by
Luar (SS), 25/Oct/1996
Rapariga do Vouga, by Hino (RC), 08/Oct/1997
Terere do Vouga, by
Dragão II (SA), 13/Nov/1999
Ula do Vouga, by
Luar (SS), 14/Dec/2000
Vaidade do Vouga, by Donaire , 25/Nov/2001
Xumaco do Vouga, by
Quartzo (RC), 01/Nov/2002
Zagaia do Mito, by
Quartzo (RC), 25/Oct/2003
Crema do Mito, by
Quartzo (RC), 19/Nov/2006
Diamond do Mito, by Xadrez (SS), 06/Nov/2007
About Aveiro:
Aveiro do Mito is a special stallion with the talent of a winner.
He has a magnificent neck, shoulder, upper line and hind quarters and
moves his large frame freely and openly in perfect synchronicity with
rhythm, collection and suspension. He has a relaxed, swinging walk, a free
and natural trot and a powerful canter. Aveiro is already doing flying
changes with ease. With the right experienced rider, Aveiro do Mito will
reach his potential to be an exciting sports competitor.

Photo: Tupa
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Approved as Stallion by the ABPSL |