Oceano (MV)
Dam: Qualidade is daughter of
Mistral do Top by Afiançado de Flandes (CQF) with Miss Gadir (FNA) by
Icadio do Mirante.
This mare had produced 8 examples of
horses with superior quality. All her sons have sportive skills and
excellent body structure.
Bagaceira Dam’s
Ursa HI, by Londrino, 16/Sep/2000
Vinha do Vouga, by Ribatejo LQ, 14/Oct/2001 (sold
at the 2005 Lusitano Collection)
Xarola do Vouga, by Quartzo (RC), 08/Nov/2002 (sold
at the 2005 Lusitano Collection)
Zeppelin do Vouga, by Quartzo (RC), 18/Oct/2003
(sold at the 2008 Lusitano Collection)
Agua-pe do Vouga, by
Oceano (MV), 30/Sep/2004
Carvalho do Vouga, by
Oceano (MV), 19/Sep/2006
About Bagaceira:
Bagaceira do Vouga is a super talented golden horse with an
excellent bloodline which will make her a top breeding mare. Her brothers
have shown success as sport horses and have a good record from Exhibitions.
Her sisters Vinha do Vouga and Xarola do Vouga were exported to the US
from the 2005 Collection in Brazil, and her brother Zeppelin was sold
during the 2008 Collection in Florida. Bagaceira performs all of the basic
dressage exercises with grace, rhythm and balance. An exciting mover, she
has a wonderful extended trot. She demonstrates freedom of movement and
suspension. Her movements are powerful; her hind quarters are naturally
engaged. Bagaceira do Vouga has all of the abilities we look for in a
competition horse – beauty, a kind temperament and naturally balanced
mobility. She has a bright future.

Photo: Tupa
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