Tufão Interagro
Dam: Olaia (MBR),
from Eng. Braga [father of the Lusitano Collection partner Manuel Braga
(SS)], is a palomino mare by the famous Novilheiro (MV) and Unida (OI),
from Oliveira Irmãos, a Portuguese breeder known for the excellent
buckskin mares and bullfighting bulls he breeds.
Interagro Dam’s progeny
Tobold Interagro by Forcado (SS) on 21-feb-2000
Urussui Interagro by Nicola (MAC) on 08-fev-2001 (Exported to USA in 2004)
Veredicto Interagro by Faraó (JHC) on 10-jan-2000 (Exported to USA in
Xolaio Interagro by Nicola (MAC) on 18-dec-2002 (Sold
at The 2006 Lusitano Collection)
Ziegfield Interagro by Faraó (JHC) on 01-dec-2003
Bonança Interagro by Tufão Interagro on 08-nov-2005
Colombina Interagro by Tufão Interagro on 31-oct-2006
About Bonança:
Bonança Interagro is a magnificent,
red horse with a winning attitude. This chestnut mare is a sweet soul that
was nervous when she was first brought in from the baby fields; as a
result, the Interagro trainers devoted a great deal of time to building
her confidence. Their success is now seen through Bonanca’s enthusiasm for
work and her affection for people. She will thrive with a calm rider who
lavishes attention on her horse. Currently, this attractive mare enjoys
training, is a pleasure on hacks and especially responds to her rider’s
verbal praise and interest. An extremely comfortable mount, Bonanca is
very trusting of the people she knows. Her sire, Tufão Interagro, is
competing at 4th level and is the leading horse in the 2008 National
Ranking for Brazil as we go to print. Bonança Interagro is a lovely horse
for many level riders.

Photo: Tupa
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